From idea, notes, or first draft to a fully edited, designed, and published book.

Book Coaching
One-on-one coaching by phone or Zoom, to help you confidently move your book from concept to market, for the duration of the project.

Manuscript Evaluation
An honest assessment of your idea, rough manuscript, or writing samples with written feedback, suggestions, and guidance as to the next best steps to take.

With your idea, inspiration, and information, Vision Run can do all the work of writing and polishing your book. You retain all the rights. You can get all the author credit

Developmental Editing
This is the most comprehensive level of editing, where your editor works with you to shape the book, as you are writing, start to finish.

Line Editing
Line editing is focused on composition, consistency, style, and flow, ensuring that your book is finely polished.

This is the final proofing typically done after the manuscript is in layout form, the last step prior to publication.

Books are judged by their cover and content design long before the quality of writing is reviewed. At Vision Run, we are committed to excellence in both writing and design.

If your book requires custom illustration, we can source the style and quality illustration(s) that will match your unique vision and make your book sparkle.

Print Publishing
This is the actual manufacturing of your book, which can be accomplished through Print on Demand (POD printing), saving you thousands in printing fees, or in bulk quantities through traditional offset printing.

eBook Publishing
Once you’ve done all the work of writing a book, we recommend you produce it in every way that readers may want to consume it. We find that readers frequently sample eBooks before choosing to buy the print versions.

Audiobook Production
A popular and rapidly growing format for books.

For Vision Run clients, we offer marketing packages, services, social media training, and guidance on how you can best showcase your book to potential readers and retail book buyers.