Dispelling Publishing Myths

Dispelling Publishing Myths

First, forget everything you or your friends, your mother-in-law, popular movies or late night TV commercials may have depicted or encouraged you to assume or expect concerning the process, timing or revenues available through publishing a book.You will not get rich...
Requirements for Writing a Book

Requirements for Writing a Book

As a child I read the classic book Little Women and it gave me a romanticized vision in my head of what being an author would be like: a little outside the norm, with frequent bouts of self-exile pleasantly spent in the attic writing and getting great satisfaction and...
Are you a writer? Do you write?

Are you a writer? Do you write?

We’re all storytellers. Stories give color, meaning and occasionally sense to our lives. Do you do some kind of writing or other creative work as part of your job? Emails? Blogs? Presentations? Reports? Strategy development? Reviews? Do you consider yourself to...
Fractured Focus

Fractured Focus

“If you want to be a writer you must do two things above all others. Read a lot and write a lot.”Stephen King If you’ve ever struggled with your writing, you may have wondered, “Did Stephen King start out like this?” (If you’re not a horror...